Saturday, May 29, 2010

So I weighed myself today and the scale said I weighed 132. I think that's accurate? I hope the scale isn't lying and it's actually like 3 more lbs or something.
But if it is 132 then that is great I just need to lose 12 more lbs before I go to Mexico.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Skipping meals now.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Big change consists of:

1. Drinking 8 bottles of water every single day.
2. No more soda PERIOD. (I've already done this and it's pretty easy now because I'm not tempted to drink it anymore.)
3. Doing 30 minute workouts everyday.
4. Cutting out junk food completely. No chips, no candy, nada.
Summer, here I come :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I can't believe he did that. Earlier I tweeted about how I was going to call various phone numbers to find out if a certain tmobile store had the htc hd2 and he texted me to ask the guy at our school where he got his and I told him I did so I was calling a couple of minutes ago to the places and two of them didn't answer, but one of them did and they said they didn't have it and that they had a waiting line. I was so pissed. Then I get a text from him and he said,
"If it's any help, I'm here in westco right now and there was a tmobile across the street...I went and asked and they said they'll have it in this coming Monday(:"
You have no idea how shocked/happy/on the verge of tears I am right now. I didn't think he'd actually do that... I mean I don't know anybody who'd do that for me without me asking. He actually cares enough to actually go and check to see if they had the phone I wanted. I'm actually just going to wait until Monday then for the phone, so I'm quite relieved it will be somewhere close from where I live in a week. But I'm also on the verge of tears because of him. I don't like him anymore, that's a fact. It's just what he did for me. I've never met a guy that nice before and all these past images of last year are just coming up and it's making me depressed. How the hell did I let someone like that just leave my life? He was everything I was looking for, yet my heart was aching for some ignorant asshole. No matter how long it's been, I still remember a lot of the memories from last year with him. I was actually happy to feel loved by someone, and it makes me so mad at myself to know I didn't do anything to help take it further. Is it sad how I can't even erase his texts still? It sounds like I'm still head over heels for him, but it's not true. I just feel like I lost a great person in my life. We don't really talk anymore and it kills me to see he replaced what we had with another girl. He's my one regret. If I could go back in time and change something, it would be all those times I didn't go out with him somewhere. It'd be to say "I love you" back. It'd be to just show him I cared as much about him as he did about me.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Is it sad how tempted I am to drink this little bottle of tequila that's in the freezer...?

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Okay so ima drink 8 bottles of water today. Same thing.


drink water from now on. No more soda. Going to drink 10 bottles of water today because I can. Starting in 3...2...1...

Que hermoso